Note: This was originally published 04/02/2021. I’ve made adjustments to the prompt since then. If you’d like to read the other posts in this series, you can read them all here.
This prompt is very simple, but required a lot of trust in the wisdom of your body to move. You’ll need a mark-making tool and some paper.
Start in any corner and slooooowly start to move your tool around the page, traveling around, but not crossing any lines. And I when I say slow, I mean molasses-slow. Do not rush this! Wherever your hand wants to go, let it. Enjoy the journey. When you can’t go any further, call that home.
As you travel on paper, consider these questions: What is your path to home like? What do you feel when you’re heading home? What comes to your heart when home is in sight?
I really like this piece that Cole made while thinking about what it means to come home.
I felt drawn toward inks, which I provided some interesting dérive1 lines and very integrated colors in other places. I was amazed by the creativity expressed by the group. Another participant painted a scene of the path home with her standing on it. So many beautiful spirits with their heart homes.